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Computing Technologies in Terminator 2

Terminator 2's look at the future of technology from its time period means that there is a variety of technologies, both real and fictional, present in the movie.

Among computing technologies included in Terminator 2: Judgement Day are 

  • Microchips - The T-101 Terminator of both past and present had microchips containing their memories and instructions.

  • Facial recognition - The T-101 and T-1000 Terminator both use this to identify and analyze humans they encounter.

  • Computers - The Cyberdyne company uses computers presumably advanced for their time to analyze the future technology.

  • Artificial Intelligence - Both the Terminators and Skynet are an example of this, as in the future Cyberdyne created the latter for purposes of military systems, who in turn created the former to hunt down important humans in the past.

  • Machine learning - Both Terminators reveal a capacity for this, with the T-101 becoming more human as it interacted with John and the T-1000 becoming more dangerous after it was initially defeated.

  • Autonomous weaponry - The T-1000 was sent with a set of instructions and used any method required to complete its mission.

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